Protect your salary from the unexpected.

picture of a family

You are the main breadwinner for yourself and/or family.  You are a successful & prosperous individual but WHAT HAPPENS IF you become disabled for any reason and cannot work?  Will your employer continue to pay your salary indefinitely?  Will your income be disrupted if you are unable to work?  This is where disability income insurance comes in to play as an essential component for many people.

There are a wide range of carriers who will insure your ability to continue receiving income in the event you are unable to work…even if you are unable to perform the duties specifically related to your unique career. 

Disability Income Insurance can be surprisingly affordable and there are many ways to adjust the coverages making it a very palatable expense for those who need it most.  

Please feel free to give us a call today for a complimentary consultation: 516-678-8901

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